Tuesday, January 15, 2008

so sad...

...it borders on pathetic, really. This morning, without knowing it, our 4 yr. old made a very wise observation about his mother. He had a friend over to play, and this is the little conversation I heard:

Hudson: "Wow, Aiden, where did you get that car from?"
Aiden: "My Mama got it for me from Tar..Tar...from Tar (he is stuttering horribly at this point trying to remember the name)...from Tar...from TARGBUCKS!!"

So I like Target and Starbucks, who can blame me, especially when I've got a Starbucks gift card from Christmas burning a whole in my wallet. It's yet another reminder of how smart and observant kids can be, and how painfully aware they are of their parents vices.


Pete and Kimberly said...

Oh, girl, that's funny! Maybe we can make a Tarbucks and Starget run together in Feb!

khunton said...

too cute! I love me some Tarbucks too!

Corey Mason said...

this is so funny! Starbucks is such an icon, it cracks me up. Hope you are doing well today. It's snowing here today! looks like a winter wonderland. Miles and I are making snow cream. Miss you,

Stephen Hunton said...


P and J Ragain said...

I almost went to Tarbucks today! Hey, we finally started a new blog!! It has only been a year and a half!