So Aiden has been quite the chatterbox lately. It has resulted in several headaches for Mama. He seriously does not stop talking the entire day unless he's eating. He wanted to send an email to Casey's parents to thank them for some surprises they sent in the mail, so he dictated a letter to me. If you know him, you'll appreciate the letter more, because you can hear him saying the words! It's best read at a continuous speed, because that's how it was dictated (I actually had a hard time typing fast enough to keep up with him). (note: Mermie is Casey's mom, GramDad is Casey's Dad. Doggie small is a what Aiden named a little stuffed dog that he carried around for months before leaving him in Austin at his cousin's house.)
Dear Mermie and GramDad,
Thank you for this train book and the other book and the picture book that you sent in the mail. And thank you for letting me be at your house SO long! I really liked playing with all of your toys and the sand pile for I can put the hose on it and make a river. I wish you could come to my house and play with me and Pierce. Well, I am tired right now because mama and me went to pick blueberries this morning but it was really really really really really early and even everyone was asleep in their beds!! But I picked a lot and a lot of blueberries and I ate a lot and a lot of blueberries too! Mama and me are going to make a pie with all those blueberries that we got today. Pierce didn't go to pick blueberries, but he stayed at home with Daddy and Grae.
I know! Maybe when you come to my house we could go to pick blueberries! That would be fun, ok? And then we could make more and more and more pies for EVERYONE! And do you know what? My Daddy brought me a NEW doggie small for a surprise. Well, he doesn't look like doggie small, but I will still call him doggie small. He is so cute and fuzzy, and Pierce got a hippo, but the hippo is blue, but doggie small is brown. I love my new doggie small so much. But I know that God is taking care of my old doggie small, but he is lost, but now I have a NEW one! Well, I don't have anything else to say, so I love you Mermie and Gramdad. bye.
Love Aiden