Thursday, May 29, 2008

oh the boys are back in town....the boys are back in town...

That song was playing on the soundtrack to our weekend. Casey's parents brought the boys back and our house is once again a noisy circus. Somehow, though, we had to admit that we missed the chaos that two boys create.

Along with Casey's parents, his sister, Kristen, and one of her daughters, Gwennyth, also came for the weekend. Aiden had so much fun playing with someone other than Pierce, who just tagged along, mimmicking their every move.

The boys have been great with Grae! Aiden is, of course, especially interested in her and has been loving on her non-stop.


Jesse and Dori said...

Thanks for your prayers. All the pics you took of your kids are so cute! Hope you are still doing well and having fun in your circus!
I'll keep you guys updated.

P and J Ragain said...

Ah, Aiden looks so old in the pic of him and Grae!

Carrie said...

Beautiful pics. Everyone looks great. Tell the boys we said hi. Grae is getting so big!

Love you!

Pete and Kimberly said...

I'm homesick for my family! It sounds and looks like you guys had a great weekend together and I so wish we could have been there too...I'm getting teary! By the way, Apple can say "Daydan". It's so sweet. Thanks for posting some new pics! Love you guys.